Double the love, double the elegance. Our Two Dozen Red Roses Bouquet is a luxurious arrangement designed to make an unforgettable statement. With 24 stunning, long-stemmed red roses hand-selected for their deep, velvety hue and intoxicating fragrance, this bouquet is the ultimate expression of romance and admiration. Expertly arranged to create a full, opulent display, each rose is meticulously placed to highlight its natural beauty and elegance. Whether it’s an anniversary, a grand gesture of love, or a milestone celebration, this extraordinary bouquet will leave a lasting impression. Wrapped in sophisticated, complementary accents and ready for gifting, it’s the perfect way to say "I love you" in the most unforgettable way.
Handtied and presented in our Premium Floralbox Packaging
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Per-Order for Delivery 14th February
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