Elegance meets passion in this stunning hand-tied bouquet, designed to capture the essence of love. A delicate mix of velvety roses, soft tulips, and fragrant blooms like lilies and waxflower are carefully arranged creating a harmonious blend of colors and textures. Handcrafted with love, each bouquet is artfully wrapped to highlight the natural beauty of the flowers, making it the perfect gift for your special someone. Whether you’re celebrating romance, friendship, or appreciation, this exquisite bouquet is sure to make their heart bloom.
Flowers are Florists Choice and will be presented wrapped in our premium Floralbox packaging. Please check out our variety of sizes and colours available
Mixed Valentines Hand Tied Bouquets
A mix of seasonal flowers & foliage, beautifully presented in tissue & paper wrapping, supplied in an aquapack.
Local delivery within 30 miles of Stamford. Delivery days Friday, Saturday & Sunday Only.